Monday, July 19, 2010


I admit it...I love Barbara Streisand and her movies. One in particular - Yentl - for some reason really touched my heart at the age of 18.
One of the songs she sang has a line that goes something like - "There are moments you remember all your life....these are one of those moments"

I remember Ethan throwing his whole body on my back as I was sitting in the living room at my brother's house two days before he died. I remember how unusual it was for him to do that. He was a front hugger but he literally covered my body with his and just hugged me...
I remember holding his hand as his heart beat its last beats. He had already stopped breathing and I was hearing praise songs in my head and rubbing his hand and telling him it was okay to go. Jesus loved him so much more than we did and that we were going to be okay. I remember telling him he did it! He fought the good fight and now was his prize.
I remember when he was about 3 years old and we were driving in the car and he was laughing and smiling and I asked him what was so funny and he just looked at me and said "Mom, I'm just so happy"

There are moments you remember all your life.....these are some of those moments.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I got my grades for the last Master's class. I got an A. I was extremely nervous because of a project that didn't get graded until after the class ended.
This got me thinking...
Am I as nervous about the grade God is giving me? Am I at all concerned about my grade point average with Him? How many projects did I completely screw up? How many points did I get marked down for being absent?
Yes, God forgives, and in the end we all get A's. But what about the day to day living right now?
The syllabus is there - the bible. The rubric is written - the ten commandments. All I have to do is do it....