Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life in full swing

Wow! It has been an incredibly busy week! Today, Sunday, is a day that I am relishing in because I have nothing planned!!
An overview of the previous 7 days:
Sunday: Bridge Run at 8AM ran my best time 1:34:32
Worked in my classroom
Monday: Arrive at work at 6:30AM only able to drink liquids because of colonoscopy on Tues.
3pm - take 4 laxatives. 5pm - start drinking 8oz of miralax every 30 minutes until 64oz.
is drunk. 8pm - don't leave bathroom until midnight.
Tuesday: Arrive at work at 7:15AM leave at noon. Travel all over Grand Rapids for 2 hours hunting down books for bible study - only find 5 of needed 8.
Arrive at dr.'s office for colonoscopy at 2:15pm. Arrive home at 4:00pm sleep until 6:30 get up and eat and lay around. Bed at 10:30
Wednesday: Arrive at breakfast with friends at 6:30AM Work Arrive home at 3:15pm. Fix broken toilet handle and valve. Eat some protein and an apple and leave for GVSU class at 5:40pm. Return home at 9:15pm. Bed at 11.
Thursday: Arrive at Bible Study at 6:30AM. Work. Home at 3:15. Cook Dinner. Leave for Chamber Choir rehearsal in Muskegon at 4:45pm. Return home at 10:30pm. Bed.
Friday: Arrive at school for field trip at 8:30AM Get home from field trip at 11:30. Cook meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans for Jared and roommates - deliver food at 2pm. Leave for Chamber Choir performance at 6:15pm return home at 11:45pm. Bed.
Saturday: Arrive at Church for Praise singers rehearsal at 10AM leave at 11:30AM REST for a few hours. Leave for Chamber Choir performance at 6:15pm return home at 11:45pm. Bed.
Sunday (Today) Arrive at Church at 8:15AM Sing with Praise Singers, teach Sunday School, arrive home at 11:30AM. REST....REST....REST!
I truly look forward to a week that is not quite so busy and where I can actually cook more than one meal for my family!

1 comment:

Hope! said...

Bad...yet good week. . .Funny how it works out that way.