Thursday, January 14, 2010

I can do this?

My life has suddenly become...."aaaaaahhhhh" (can you hear me screaming and trying to hold on).

I have no idea what I was thinking when I planned this semester out:
Monday: 5:30am rise work til 3 tutor til 4 teach a parenting class from 6:30 - 8pm
Tuesday: 6:30 rise work til 3 Chamber choir 7:30 - 9:30pm
Wednesday: 5:30 rise work til 3 Master Class 6:00 - 8:50pm
Thursday:5:30 rise Bible Study 6:30 work til 3:00 tutor til 4:00 Church choir 7:00 -8:30
Friday: 6:30 rise work til 3 dinner and fun with family til 11pm
Saturday: rest, rest, rest Dinner with family and fun til 11pm
Sunday: 7:00 rise Church til 11:30am school at 3:00 til 4:00

Now you also have to add into this: grocery shopping, training for a marathon - long runs on Saturdays, the Masters class has a 20 hour out of classroom instruction requirement and 10 hours of assessment not to mention the writing involved. Some how find time to be loving and valuable to my family!

What was I thinking? I was thinking that Chamber choir is done at the end of March, the Masters class is done at the end of April and the Marathon is at the end of May. You can do this...


AK Paul said...

Wow, imagine grieving over the loss of my Dad two weeks ago to cancer and finding an old friend who suffered a loss as well! I enjoyed reading your past blogs as well. I always thought you had a beautiful voice and am glad you're using it for HIS glory! Drop me a line sometime Jenny, it would be good to hear from you. Blessings my Friend!

Jennifer McGraw said...

Oh, my gosh! Paul??!!! What an incredible blast from the past! Send me your email - we'll catch up!
So sorry to hear about your Dad. But glad he is resting easy in the arms of Jesus! And he probably met my Ethan!

Blessings and joy to you!

AK Paul said...

No kidding, long time! My e-mail is Dad told me he just wanted to go see Jesus, so there's joy in knowing it's not good bye but auf wiedersehn, 'til we meet again! Grace and Peace my friend!

Linda said...

you did it! yea