Tuesday, June 8, 2010


How is it I can't hear your voice? Or sense you walking into a room? Have I forgotten you completely?
No...my heart knows you best...memories of laughter,tears shed, and hugs felt. I loved you as only a parent can and yet...I'm starting to forget.
Oh, I forgot with your brothers too...but I can see them and listen to them. They live not only in my heart but in my life too.
I just want you to know that I'm trying to remember, trying to hold on, trying to never forget.
I KNOW I will see you again, oh, I long for the day...I love you, buddy.......always.


~Dawn~ said...

Oh Jennifer...."they" so often tell us that time heals. In a way, it doesn't, it steals. It steals these memories from us as it passes....
remembering with you....

Thank you for sharing your blog with us! Hope you post it on TRLT too.
Mine is www.throughthisvalley.blogspot.com

Love and hugs to you!

Linda said...

Very nicely put Jennifer. I struggle with guilt over forgetting things about my Ricky. I concentrate real hard to try to remember and just want him back even more. Thanks for sharing!